Superstitions in Sports – OneSports

Superstitions in Sports

Every competition is an important event for an athelte. It’s well known that path to success is paved with determination and hard work.But sometimes a tiny bit of luck makes a big difference. 
Atheletes need to be prepared psychologically and mentally to perform well. That’s when superstitions help many.
Many athletes have their own superstitions that they hold on to which they believe bring them luck and help perform better during competitions.
It’s interesting that famous gymnasts believe in superstitions and try to always follow them. For example, an Olympic Champion, Alina Kabaeva has once shared that she always steps on to the carpet with her left foot first
Superstitions can seem like odd and strange habits and rituals, but it is never a bad thing.
Although , it does not guarantee success, superstitions help boost athlete’s confidence and self belief which can play a big role during competition.
Here are few most popular superstitions among gymnasts: 
❗️Those who have won a gold medal step down from the podium right down on to the floor avoiding 2nd and 3rd steps.
❗️Some bring their favourite toy to every competition
❗️Few believe it’s bad luck to give your rhythmic gymnastics apparatus to someone else to hold
❗️Others try to always have a certain color in their leotards 
Have you got one that brings you luck? 
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